Connect with AUF using your Smart mobile phone.

To download the AUF menu :

Type AUF and send to 4755 

You can use the menu to register to AUF infoboard to

  • receive free messages and announcements
  • download grades per subject or grades per semester
  • Inquire
  • download schedule etc.

You can also get info by sending a text message using the format below:

To send feedback :

AUFFEEDBACK send to 700283

To receive free messages :

Register by typing:
AUFREG// send to 717283

Turn on free message alerts from AUF by typing:
AUFPUSHON send to 717283

Turn off free message alerts from AUF by typing:
AUFPUSHOFF send to 717283

You may also visit us at the MISS office (IT302) to register.

To get GRADES :

Final grades per subject

text GRDPULL send to 700283

GRD PULL 10-1234-567 mysbpassword ENG01
GRD PULL 984321 schoolblizpw NSTP 1

Per semester per grading period

text GRDPULL send to 700283

where YYYY is the academic year
where T is the semester (1 for 1st semester, 2 for 2nd semester, S for summer term, 3 for 3rd trimester)
where P is the grading period (P for prelim, M for midterm, F for Finals)


GRD PULL 10-1234-567 mysbpassword 10111P

In the above example the request is for PRELIM GRADES for the 1st semester of Academic year 2010-2011

GRD PULL 984321 schoolblizpw 07082F

In the above example the request is for FINAL GRADES for the 2nd semester of Academic year 2007-2008

Retrieve Current Schedule :

text SKDPULL send to 700283

Note : You may encounter difficulty in retrieving information if your schoolbliz password contains special characters or spaces so it is recommended that you avoid including these characters in your schoolbliz password.

Send an INQUIRY :

text INQPULL send to 700283